♥Thursday, January 07, 2010
Havent been updating my blog properly for so many days alrd!
Heh so sorry becus im just pure lazy. XD
Maybe gonna mia from blog again cus nobody's reading one lor,
so for what i blog. ):
No tag or what shit also one, hais damn sad.
Tag more leh let me happy awhile can or not?! Grrrs.
So school was pretty okay,
new class and classmates,
not as bad as i expected! ^^
But well, i still miss 3D'o9 alot alot! ):
Pics taken in class!
Credits to gladys. ^^

Cmi pics lah i look so fugly hahaha.
Anyway its only 3 days away to my birthday!!
So happy and looking forward to it!
Rmb to wish me happy birthday hor MUAHAHA.
Okeeey byeee. [:

♥Sunday, January 03, 2010
School's starting tomorrow! O.O
God bless me.

Little updates.

Your dearest.
Yee Xin Mah

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